About me
Hi! My name is Alannah Faith, and I am a high school junior with a passion for running and writing. I am so excited that you are here and I can’t wait to run life’s race alongside you! Here’s a little more information about me:
- I have grown up in the church and I can’t imagine what my life would be like without my faith—It’s my main source of inspiration and the thing that keeps me going.
- As a cross-country/track runner, I’ve finished five cross-country seasons and four track seasons. I run for the small Christian school that is connected to my church. I’ve also done two half marathons, and I used to swim for a club team. Running and athletics have taught me so much over the years, and ultimately, they’ve strengthened my faith in the challenges that they’ve brought.
- As a writer, I seek to use my words to glorify my Creator and point my readers to Christ. I’m the head editor of a school newspaper, and I’ve been published on The Rebelution. I hope that my articles will inspire my generation to turn to the freedom that is found only in God’s grace and love. I also love to tell stories—If you sat down and had a conversation with me, chances are, you’d hear at least a few random stories from my life!

- I’m a native of Southern California, where I live with my parents, twin brother, and two little sisters. I’ve been homeschooled for my whole life, but I also take online dual-enrollment and attend my church’s private school part-time.
- I’m a perfectionist, I’m overly competitive at times, I struggle with anxiety… I’m definitely a work in progress, but that makes me so incredibly grateful for God’s grace.
- I love sunrises, winding mountain roads, oceans, star-filled nights, city lights (didn’t mean to rhyme there), flowers and succulents and pine trees… I love exploring this beautiful world and seeing all that it has to offer.
- In my spare time, you can find me reading a book, chatting with or messaging friends, enjoying the beauty of nature, or discipling a group of fourth-grade girls at my church’s Awana club.
Now, I would love to get to know you! Feel free to send me a message here, or email me at alannah@letsrunfree.com.

About my blog
Let’s Run Free represents the message of Hebrews 12:1-2 by inspiring you to embrace the freedom found in Christ as we run this race of life together. In sharing what God has taught me through my own experiences, I hope to be able to encourage you no matter where you are at on life’s road.