Heart pounding. Legs burning. Just a few more feet to go. My feet kick up the dust as I ascend the rugged trail, eager to finally reach the top.
And when I finally get there, I pause for a few moments, lungs panting heavily. I look at the view. It’s beautiful. A feeling of joy tugs at my heart.
I did it. I made it to the top of that mountain, and now I can finally see how far I’ve come.
Running uphill has always been a struggle for me. And yet, there’s something that I love about mountains. I love seeing them stand tall against the backdrop of a gray sky, breaking through the fog.
And I love the view. I love being able to look out at the world from a whole new perspective.
When running up the side of a mountain, it’s so easy to forget to look out at that view. But it’s the words of others that can remind you to take that look—to take that look and see how far you’ve come.
And it’s the words of others that can remind you of how far you can keep going. I owe so much of my running journey—and my life journey—to the encouraging words of others.
But there are a few words in particular that have changed my life: the words of the gospel message. These are the words—the only words—that have truly allowed me to run free.
I hope that you’ve discovered the gospel message for yourself, and discovered the freedom that it has to offer. Because fully embracing its truths is what will let your heart soar. Fully embracing these truths will make you feel that you are standing on the peak of the highest mountain. On top of the highest mountain, close to the heavens, near to the spirit of God.
Have you ever felt such an abundance of joy that you wanted to go out and tell everyone about it? It’s like that classic Christmas carol… “Go tell it on the mountain, o’er the hills and everywhere…“
But sometimes, life just doesn’t feel so joyful. The gospel message can feel empty. The weight of the world can come crashing upon your shoulders again. And sometimes, it doesn’t even feel like God is there.
Sometimes, you’ll look up at the mountains, but you won’t see the power of their glorious Creator. Sometimes, you’ll only see the challenges that those mountains have to offer.
Sometimes, you’ll find yourself lost in the valley.
But those uncertain whispers in the valley can be even more powerful than those clear shouts from the mountaintop. Those whispers, even if quiet and faltering, can demonstrate faith on a deeper level.
It’s the faith that God is there, even though He seems to have left you in the valley. It’s the faith to keep going, even though all hope seems to be lost. It’s the faith that you’ll someday be standing on the mountaintop again.
It’s the faith to look at the mountains ahead of you and tell them that they can be conquered with the strength of the One inside you.
And even if that faith is only a small flickering candle, it’s still there. It’s still shining. It’s still bringing more light to this dark world. It’s still able to be seen.
And even if that faith is only a small flickering candle, it’s still there. It’s still bringing more light to this dark world.
And that’s all that matters.
Your faith, your small flickering candle, has the power to change lives. Your story, the one of the valleys you’ve passed through and the mountains you’ve conquered, has the power to change lives.
You have the power to change lives. You can be a living, breathing example of the gospel message.
“How beautiful upon the mountains
~Isaiah 52:7
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
I love the phrasing of this verse. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news… It presents me with an image that resonates with me so perfectly as a cross-country runner.
And it takes me back to a time in junior high, at camp up in the mountains. During the worship time that night, we sang that hymn “Take My Life, and Let It Be.” And these particular lyrics stood out:
“Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.”
I love the entire hymn. I love how it expresses a full surrender to God–I think that’s beautiful. But I especially love those lyrics.
They remind me of how, as we run this race (whether it be a literal one or the figurative race of life), we should run it only for the glory of God. No matter where the road takes us. Through the valleys, on the mountains.
And as the rhythm of that tune matched the rhythm of my heartbeat, I let myself take in that moment.
It took place at a small amphitheater nestled amidst the pine trees.
It was the same amphitheater where, as a nervous freshman a few years later, I would find myself with enough courage to get up there and share my testimony.
Under any other circumstance, I would feel too scared to put out my words like that. But I felt an unexplainable peace in my heart. So I did it.
I only said a few words. Just a few words, but so much courage needed to say them. Just a few words, but a whole life story behind them.
Just a few words. But I put them out anyway.
And that’s what I do every time I share my writing. I put out my words–and I don’t know how they’ll affect people. Putting out the words is all that I can do. I have to trust God with the rest.
As a writer, I want to publish the news of peace and happiness and salvation.
As a writer, I want my words to impact lives.
But sometimes, that feels like a far-off dream. I don’t know if my words have ever impacted anyone. I don’t know if they ever will.
But I know that if no one wants to hear my words, I will look up at the mountains.
I will look up at the majestic mountains and tell them that their Maker reigns above.
I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to everyone who has liked/commented on my posts and/or followed/subscribed to my blog! Thank you all for taking the time to read my writing and reminding me that my words matter! <3
10 thoughts on “Beautiful Upon the Mountains (Why I Write)”
Faith has the power to change lives. You are a gifted writer and your words will impact others. Thank you for all your inspiration!
Thank you! (:
I LOVE Go Tell It On The Mountain!
Also speaking of mountains reminded me of the beginning of the song: Shoulders by for KING & COUNTRY
“I look up to the mountains. Does my strength come from the mountains? No. My strength comes from God who made heaven and earth. And the mountains.”
Also, as always, I love your posts! They are an encouragement!
For KING & COUNTRY has some great songs, but I’m not sure if I’ve heard that one yet! I love those lyrics though!
Aww thank you!
for KING & COUNTRY is awesome! I recommend Shoulders!
So true and inspiring. And you are right about how our words matter. You have so much to say. Just keep putting it out there and letting God to the rest.
Thanks so much! (:
This is so beautiful! You correctly direct all the honor and glory back to the Lord, who is the only one worthy of it, and the only one whose opinion really matters. I’m so thankful for the mountain tops in my life. It’s so worth it to struggle up the mountain to reach the top and experience the view and the peace and the satisfaction that the Lord blesses me with when I go outside of my comfort zone for Him
Thanks so much, Francie! Yes, the view of peace and satisfaction is so worth the difficult climb. It’s great to hear that you’ve experienced this yourself (: