I started taking swim lessons at a very young age, probably around three or four years old. At first, I would always sit by the edge of the pool and […]
I’ve experienced many off-days in the past couple years with my vitamin deficiencies. And after struggling through a few weak miles, exhausted, I’ve learned to stop myself and say, “I’ll […]
I have a little confession to make. I’ve improved in cross-country a lot over the years since I first started. Sometimes… well, sometimes I look at that and think that […]
“I ran ten miles today, and I probably won’t be able to swim very fast,” I remember explaining to my swim coach one evening back in eighth grade. “So? You […]
I just came back from a week that I’ll never forget. A week full of laughter-filled moments and deep conversations and a break from the rushed pace of this life. […]
Six months ago, I signed up for the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon with the hope that I would finish my track season stronger. A month later, I […]
My heart sank at the beginning of last year’s track season, when I suddenly realized that my mile time had slowed down by a whole minute. It shouldn’t have caught […]