It’s quiet here at the harbor, with a gentle salt breeze and a calm ocean. Little pink wildflowers sprawl along the rocks that reach the water’s edge. The sky goes from a hazy gray to a clear blue as the sun comes out, shining upon the moored boats. A sailboat cuts through the sea’s glossy surface, leaving little ripples in its wake.
Here at the harbor, it feels like summer.
Another season of my life has come to a close. I’ve reached the end of my third season in track, my freshman year in high school, my fifteenth spring in life.
Time flies by faster every year.
But every year, I’m just so tired.
And maybe that’s why God gave us summers. Because somewhere in the warmth of the sunshine and the walks by the shore, somewhere in the long summer days and quiet star-filled nights, somewhere in the voices joined in worship and the times of fellowship…
Somewhere in all of that, there are reminders of Him.
And at this time, you may have felt more than ever the whisper—or perhaps cry—of your heart saying, “I need a break.” I’ve definitely felt that over this past spring.
But now, we’ve reached the finish line.
And I hope that you can also hear the voice of our Father saying, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).

Talking about rest
A couple weeks ago at my youth group, we each received a metal charm and stamped into it a word that we felt called to remember. I chose the word “restored.”
And something felt satisfying about pounding those letters into the silver charm. Restored. It’s a word that I want not just etched into that charm, but engraved upon my heart. It’s a word that I want to live out.
Because when I look back on where I’ve been, and even where I am, I see a need for restoration.
Back in March, I said that I wanted this spring to be a season for growth, and yet… Throughout my track season, I saw a lot of negative progress. I had started out weaker than I finished. My physical health also regressed, and even my spiritual and mental health feels a bit drained.
But I’ve realized that growth can take on so many different meanings. It’s a lot more than what’s on the surface. Maybe my body is weaker, but maybe in all that weakness my faith will grow. And maybe in all that weakness there’s still a soul that continues to say, “I’ll keep pressing on.”
But maybe it feels like your soul has begun to break.
“I’ll keep pressing on.”
There’s strength in pressing on, but there’s a certain growth that comes with recognizing when you need rest. Because truly, seeking rest means setting aside your anxieties and trusting that you can experience restoration.
And for your soul, seeking true rest lies in Him alone.

Talking about nourishment
Sometimes, the weakness and exhaustion seems like all that is familiar. There have been times when I’ve asked myself, “Will my legs ever feel strong again?” And I’ve forced myself into phases when waking up and not feeling pain feels unusual—maybe even wrong.
Between my iron deficiency a year ago and my vitamin-D deficiency right now, I’ve learned that I don’t need just rest, but also nourishment.
Because nourishment will help the broken parts start healing, and nourishment will replenish the emptiness. Nourishment will provide you with the strength to keep going, and without it…
Without it, every step down life’s road will feel so much harder.
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”
~JOhn 6:35, NKJV
The nourishment for an empty, weary soul can only be found in Him. And I know that in all the noise of this life, it’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to ignore the longing for something to fill the void. It’s easy to hide that hunger by forcing yourself to carry on.
But sometimes I have to just stop. Sometimes I have to tell myself that I’m free.
This summer, I want to take the time to feed my weary soul with His truths. And I would encourage you to do the same. <3
Looking back on spring
I’m sharing about what I did this spring in bullet points (because I love lists, haha):
- I explored Colorado. I wrote all about the beautiful sights and amazing experiences from the trip in this post.
- My first officially published article went live. You can find it here on
- I ran my third track season. This was not an easy season for me, but even with the health struggles (injury and vitamin deficiency), I had a couple exciting races. Some of my favorites were breaking a major time goal in the 3200 and getting 2nd place in an 800. But I’m the most grateful for my 4×800 relay team, especially since we made it all the way to section finals!
- I finished my second half marathon. Yesterday I ran the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon, and it’s fair to say that now I’m more than a little sore (and you’ll probably read more about it later).
- I wrapped up freshman year. After a blur of final tests and projects, it’s hard to believe that my first year in high school is done, and it’s even harder to believe that I’m a sophomore now!
- I finished my first year of being an Awana leader. I helped out with the kindergarteners at my church’s Awana program, and it felt so fulfilling to help the younger kids learn more about the Bible and God’s love.
I also want to hear about your spring. What was your favorite part, and what are you looking forward to as summer approaches? I’d love to see your answers in the comments below!
This season has brought a lot of endings. But when one road ends, another one begins. I’m praying that we’ll all feel restored this summer as we prepare for something new.
10 thoughts on “Restored: My Hope for This Summer (Spring 2023 Seasonal Review)”
Glad you had a great time in my neck of the woods!
My spring was interesting… I found out that I can do long distance running in track. My middle school team came in last, we had fourteen athletes this year (last year we had 25). An eighth grader got the time of 5:03 in his mile run (he’s faster than one of the juniors in high school).
I also got to go to Costa Rica in March, for 16 days!
My sister qualified for state in high jump. She didn’t actually attend state though. But she cleared 4” 10’!
Not much else… I’m going into eighth grade! I launched my blog in February! I have over 50 subscribers already!
I got to go to a vet science camp!
That all sounds like so much fun, Becca! Especially the trip to Costa Rica. And congratulations to your teammate and sister (and to you, too! Finishing another track season is always something to celebrate). And great job on getting over 50 subscribers (:
Great post, Alannah!
My spring was okay. Track season was fun even though I didn’t quite reach my goals. It’s actually been a little bit of a rough first half of the year but I am excited for the summer!
Congrats on getting your article published!!!
Thank you, Adeline! I’m glad you had a fun track season (and please know that your hard work still matters even if you didn’t meet your time goals. I’m so proud of you for finishing another season!).
I’m so sorry that you’ve been having a rough first half of the year, and I’m praying for you. I hope you have an amazing summer!
I too am excited for a restful summer. My spring was busy with graduating from high school, trying to meet writing goals (I’m improving!), and searching for a job.
Congratulations on your article!! That’s a huge deal! I also hope you have an awesome summer!
Congratulations on graduating high school and improving your writing goals! Those are both amazing accomplishments (:
Aww, thank you! I hope you have an awesome summer too!
What an encouragement! Thank you so much for sharing!
I’m so happy to hear about your article, what an achievement! And way to go on getting another half marathon done, those are no joke!!
It’s great to hear that you got to help out your Awana and pour into kids, that’s such a blessing to be a part of. 🙂
Over the spring I started working at a veterinary clinic, so I’ve really enjoyed learning there. It really confirmed my desire to be a Vet Tech, and I’m pretty much certain on a college! I’m also fast enough to get a scholarship for XC at the college I’m looking at, so that will be a blessing!
With my XC summer kickoff camp behind me, I’m looking forward to logging some easy, slow summer miles- we’re doing a summer mileage challenge this year! So if I get a certain number of miles logged before season, I’ll get a cool extra graphic on the back of my team shirt. It’s a fun little idea to encourage the team to get some solid base miles before season.
I’ll also be going to DC for a week for a christian camp, so I’m really nervous about that.
So glad to hear from you! You’re writing is such an encouragement!
Thank you, Keziah!
That’s so exciting that you got to start working at a vet clinic. And congratulations on getting a XC scholarship–that’s amazing!
Aww that’s a really fun idea for your team. Wishing you the best for your summer miles, and I’ll pray about your Christian camp. (:
Thank you for this article Alannah! This year has been a tough one for me, so it’s encouraging to read about restoration, and to think of refreshing my soul in God’s truths.
And congratulations on getting published! I read the post on the Rebelution and it was also really good!
You’re welcome, Erin! I’m sorry that you’ve been having a tough year, but I’ll be praying that you feel restored. (:
And thanks so much! That means a lot to me.