A Promise in the Rain

We don’t get a lot of rain where I live in Southern California, but I think that there’s something beautiful—and refreshing—about running underneath a dreary gray sky as drops of water fall to the earth. But even more beautiful are those moments after a rainstorm, when the clouds open up and the sun breaks through, shedding its light upon earth’s watery surface. The puddles along the sidewalks shimmer in this light, and every droplet on each leaf sparkles like a little crystal.

And in these moments, you’ll sometimes even see a rainbow. While on the drive to the Houston airport after a family reunion, I remember looking out the window and seeing a rainbow stretched out above the Texas farmland. All the colors, though vivid and distinct, blended together perfectly, and it was beautiful.

The thing about rainbows is that you can’t see them until after the rain falls. And it isn’t until after the rain falls, after going through something hard, that you can see how God is working out His plan for good.

If you’re seeing some gray skies right now, hang in there, and hang onto God’s promises. Every storm has to come to an end, and a storm’s ending will result in something beautiful.

The sun is going to break through, and your rain is going to turn into a rainbow.


what does it take
stand out in the
and smile,

what does it take
see beauty in the
and clouds,

what does it take
hear hopeful whispers in the
and winds,

what does it take
that a rainbow
will come out 
of all this

the rain
pours its tears 
upon the earth
as it mourns.

and yet
even in its mourning
the rain smiles
through the
glistening puddles
it leaves on the earth.

even in its mourning
it laughs
through the 
peaceful pattering
of its drops
hitting the earth.

even in its mourning
it dances 
through the
twirling and leaping
of its water
bouncing off the earth.

even in its mourning
it lets out 
a song 
of praise.

the rain 
that a rainbow
will come out
of all its 

oh warrior,
look not to the falling
of your tears
or to the pouring
of the rain.

lift your eyes,
oh warrior,
to the Maker
of the rain.

lift your eyes
and you’ll 
that a rainbow
will come out
of all this 

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